SARMs for Endurance

How can I use it for strength, endurance and what are its properties?

Most of the SARMs can be used for this purpose, but what makes it interesting is that you can take it just for your training or your competitions, which gives you a high performance for 4 hours, currently it is beginning to be used as pre-training in many varieties of sports.

Once the SR-9009 (Stenabolic) enters your system, you will become an improved athlete. This simply means that you will have greater exercise capacity and your body will not have to press as hard as before when exercising.

One very interesting thing is that your heart will not race even when you are doing high intensity exercises. This means that you will be able to run faster or exercise for much longer.

Not only does it have the effect everyone knows about strength and endurance, but it also has HEALING PROPERTIES on bones and tendons as well as burning fat, making it a valuable, powerful and desired SARMs.

You should also note that it will only be in your body for 4 hours only. Therefore, it is recommended to take it one hour before exercise.

The average dose of SR-9009 is 10 to 30 mg per day and depends on the intensity of the exercise you are going to do. Both men and women separated twice a day and remembering that it would remain in their body for four hours. If you don't intend to do any exercise on a particular day, just don't take it.


The doses may vary and logically, the higher the dose the greater the muscle gain we want to obtain, but we must take into account that the higher the dose, the greater the possibility of suffering from some side effect.

First contact with Sarms:

- Average dose 8 mg day

- High dose 16 mg day

- Maximum dose 32 mg day

It can be taken at any time of the day 1 hour before your training or physical activity, since its action time is between 3 and 4 hours, therefore, it does not matter when you take it, as well as with food or alone.

These doses are what we recommend to avoid unwanted side effects. If you decide to exceed the dose you should take a Cycle Support which will help you a lot to maintain a stabilization and designed to protect your organs and body so that you get the maximum advantages from your SARMs cycle.

In high doses you should always take a PCT Sarms cycle.


Example of cycle :

It is not recommended to take it as part of a cycle because it has a short duration of life in the body so we recommend that it be taken as an integration to other cycles and just before your workouts or competitions.
If you don't intend to do any exercise on a particular day, just don't take it.

 PCT Sarms cycle don’t needed


Notice and recommendation:

These are examples of combinations that can be done but always will be appropriate to your physical needs and goals to achieve.