SARMs Gain / Definition
How we could eliminate fat & gain muscle at the same time?
Gaining clean muscle and losing fat at the same time is a bit complicated and sacrificial since we must ingest a large amount of calories that do not turn into fat and in turn keep clean the muscles.
This is the newest and most powerful SARMs at date S-23 (Ultrabolic) is basically the older and stronger brother of S-4 (Andarin).
S-23 (Ultrabolic) is the SARMs of more increase With this SARMs require post cycle. S-4 (Andarine) will not only give you an increase in strength, a very grateful effect during the diet, but it will also help you gain a certain amount of muscle mass while still having a caloric deficit and adds that vascularization significantly increases and muscular striation. Both compounds will help you gain muscle and increase strength quickly while. |
LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is one of the most Burning fat while gaining some clean muscle mass can be quite difficult, but using Ultrabolic or Andarine plus Ligandrol and for advanced Ostarine , this shouldn't be anything strange. I will advise you to use for this objective is the stack composed of the SARM LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) in combination with the S-4 (Andarine) or S-23 (Ultrabolic) for advance people could to add MK-2866 (Ostarine) in combination with the others two elections. |
The doses may vary and logically, the higher the dose the greater the muscle gain we want to obtain, but we must take into account that the higher the dose, the greater the possibility of suffering from some side effect in special S-4 and S-23.
Doses :
- Average dose 5 mg day.
- High dose 10 mg day.
- Maximum dose 20 mg day
Except S-4 (Andarine) normal 25 mg and a maximum 50mg x day.
It can be taken at any time of the day since its time of action is between 24 and 36 hours, therefore it does not matter when you take it, as well as if with food or alone.
These doses are what we recommend to avoid unwanted side effects. If you decide to exceed the dose you should take a Cycle Support which will help you a lot to maintain a stabilization and designed to protect your organs and body so that you get the maximum advantages from your SARMs cycle.
In high doses you should always take a PCT Sarms cycle.
Example of cycle :
First contact with Sarms:
Weeks 1 : 1 capsule ,10 mg.
Weeks 2 to 6 : 2 capsules, 20 mg.
Weeks 7 to 8 : 1 capsule, 10 mg.
Weeks 8 to 10 : 3 capsules PCT
PCT Sarms cycle we recommend.
Notice and recommendation:
These are only examples of combinations that can be done but always will be appropriate to your physical needs and goals to achieve.